Monday, 20 January 2014

15 minutes Organizing


Good morning !!! Hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was busy and exciting. Had to attend a family function on Sunday so, could not write my post in time. That is why, the post is coming a bit late today. Did you have organizing sprints this past week? Well, I did…Remember I had talked about getting in the process of organizing and promised a recap of listing what I did around my house in those 15 minutes. So, Without wasting another minute, here I go:

Monday : I forgot to take the before/after pictures. But I started with the kitchen. The counter was full of used/unused dishes. I started from the left, and moved on and one by one tackled the dishes on the counter. Mind it, I only tacked the counters. Ours is a galley kitchen, and I cleared both sides counter with only the necessary items remaining.

Tuesday : I had arranged my son’s dresser sometime back, but ever since I handed over the control to him, the dresser had gone haywire. He promised me that he will keep his drawers organized once I put them in order. So, on tuesday I tackled this task. My son and daughter share the 4-drawer dresser. First two are DD and the next two for DS. Once I put DD to sleep, I got down to work. One drawer has the trousers/pajamas and the night suits. Second drawer has all his t-shirts. I emptied the two drawers, gave three-fold to trouser and put them back. For shirts too, folded them and arranged in order. Easy peesy… and done. Since that day till today, the drawers are still looking the same. In fact, two days back, he got in organizing mode and he cleared off his room. Whatever extra stuff was there in his room, he shoved them in the living area for us to tackle. His motto has been – ‘ No entry to things which do not belong to me or little sis…’. Oh, did I mention he is 6 years YOUNG???? Here are the before and after pics of drawers….



Wednesday :


This was what was bothering me for quite some time. I want my kitchen paper towel and the aluminium foil to be on hanging. But I was just not able to get an easy and inexpensive solution. But voila, last week I found it. I bought cup hooks like these:

Nailed them here,


and yipee!!! I had a great solution….


Thursday : The wall unit was collecting mess. I had got a folding table made over there for working. Although I have not really starting using that space for the purpose, because DD crib is still in our room. Her sleep pattern is not yet scheduled, so in the night it is convenient to have her in the same room as ours. But, that is no excuse for the place to be messy, right? So I cleared up the mess so, the place went from mess to beauty as is seen in the pictures.


Friday : I did not do any organizing but I used the 15 minutes to layout the clothes for the upcoming function on Sunday. Made sure that DS does not create any fuss over clothes.

I wanted to continue ‘15 minute organizing’ for Sat. Sun. too, but could not. I will try to do that this week. Wish me luck!! Now it is your chance to show me your organizing skills. What areas did you tackle???

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